National Treasures

Count of Ferreira

António Soares dos Reis (1847-1889)


Original plaster

Inventory sheet

Soares dos Reis portrays Joaquim Ferreira dos Santos, Count of Ferreira (1782-1866), wearing the uniform of a Peer of the Realm, including the symbols of the Portuguese coat-of-arms, sash and the Cross of Christ.

The statue was executed in marble for the Agramonte Cemetery in honour of the benefactor, whose legacy to the Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto had provided for the building of 120 primary schools and a hospital for mental diseases – the Count of Ferreira Hospital. The expression of the philanthropist conveys the pleasure felt at the social value of his legacy. There is also great balance in the composition. The Count’s left arm is resting on the pedestal where his cape is draped, while the right elegantly reaches across to the sash holding the gloves. The treatment of the lower limbs further enhances the expressive quality of the work.