What’s On | Collaborative Projects
Other Places
Other Places aims to lay the foundations for an itinerant programme involving the SOARES DOS REIS NATIONAL MUSEUM collections and partner entities. Other Places will enhance the Museum as a brand outside its formal space, involving its own curatorships, taking into account the nature of its partners, the venue and the contexts in which presentations take place.
As part of the 150th anniversary commemorations of the birth of António Carneiro (1872-1930), this exhibition will be held at the Casa dos Livros, in Porto, from 16th September to 28th October 2022. It features 42 drawings by the Porto painter inspired by The Inferno, the first part of Dante Alighieri’s classic, The Divine Comedy.
The drawings, in black ink and wash, some with small notes in pencil, are side by side with Vasco Graça Moura’s archive and personal library. The library contains different editions of The Divine Comedy and Graça Moura’s translation of the work, recently deposited in the Casa dos Livros of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto.
Cycle of Life Exhibition
Based on the allegory, FOUR SEASONS, a series of four 17th century paintings, the Soares dos Reis National Museum took to the Abel Salazar Biomedical Science Institute of the University of Porto (ICBAS-UP), from October 2021 to January 2022, a group of paintings establishing a relationship with the different stages of a Human Being’s life.
Captive Place Exhibition
The Arte pela Arte movement, created by the Lionesa Group, joined the project Outro Lugares, from Museu Nacional Soares dos Reis, and SIGN to present LUGAR CATIVO, an exhibition open to the city, of a selection of works from the museum’s collection.
Lugar Cativo is a set of portraits that positions its gaze on the city and the viewer, a two-way observation between the character represented and its audience, and vice versa, in a dialogue developed tailored to each person. These approximately 40 works are reproductions placed on the facades of buildings, on Rua do Cativo, in Porto.
Inferno Exhibition – Dante’s Journey
An unprecedented interpretation of Dante’s journey through the works of António Carneiro is the cultural proposal of the Lionesa Business Hub (LBH), in partnership with the Museu Nacional Soares dos Reis, for the entire community and open to the population.
Inferno – Dante’s Journey by António Carneiro is the result of a partnership between Lionesa Business Hub, Lionesa Group, Museu Nacional Soares dos Reis and ASCIPDA – Associazione Socio-Culturale Italiana del Portogallo Dante Alighieri.
Public exhibition at Lionesa Business Hub, from November 2023 to March 2024.
What’s On | Collaborative projects
Art and health
This programme aims to promote Art as therapy and a form of disease prevention. In partnership with the University Hospital Centre of Porto (CHUP), several initiatives have been carried out, such as thematic visits to the museum for health professionals, an exhibition nucleus set up in CHUP’s public spaces (Santo António Hospital, the Albino Aroso Maternal and Child Centre of the North and the Integrated Centre for Ambulatory Surgery) and a discount voucher for patients and companions to visit the Soares dos Reis National Museum.